In June, I completed my first ever no spend month. In this post, I share everything I learnt (which was a lot!).
Read MoreFollowing the stress of the pandemic, here are five suggestions on how you can simplify your life and enhance your wellbeing this summer.
Read MoreAre you moving soon? Here is my advice on what to do in the days running up to moving home, as well as some essential guidance for managing moving-in day…
Read MoreHow can you keep your resolutions in 2021? Here are 9 tips that will help you stick to your goals.
Read MoreHow can you prepare for a move? Here is your starting point…
Read MoreCreating a vision of your ideal lifestyle and living environment is one of the most important steps on the KonMari tidying process, and one that is so often skipped. Discover how you can create your vision to support you in your journey…
Read MoreThe size of your kitchen doesn’t matter when it comes to storing spices. In this post, I share 10 different ways you can organise and store your spices…
Read MoreWhat happens when 3 people spend 11 hours tidying over 4,000 books? An incredible transformation! I’d like you to meet Lise and James; I have had the pleasure of working with them since July 2019. This is what happened when we KonMari’ed their book collection…
Read MoreIs tidying up with your children a daily struggle? I’m sharing 10 tidying up methods (including some of the unconventional ways!) to teach your children how to put away their things.
Read MoreYou all know I’m a fan of rainbow order! If you’re like me, here’s how you can colour code your apps on your phone or iPad…
Read MoreAre you feeling disorganised as your children head back to school? Follow these simple tips to take back control and save yourself a tonne of time…
Read More8 scientifically proven benefits that come through tidying your home…
Read MoreYou can use the KonMari Method to tidy your makeup step by step. Let me show you how…
Read MoreFor many, the topic of death and what happens with our things once we’re no longer here is something we push to the back of our minds. The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning is a comforting and tasteful little book that brings this topic into a fresh perspective.
Read MoreIf you’re trying to become more mindful consumer, I would love to help you! I used to be a shopaholic before I KonMari’ed my life. Here are the questions you need to ask yourself before you buy something new…
Read MoreI’m sharing my favourites ways to display children’s artwork and how to store it meaningfully for the future (once your joy checks have been completed of course!)
Read MoreThe four barriers to letting go of children’s artwork and how to overcome them…
Read MoreAs well as keeping on top of our papers, let’s reduce the number of papers coming into our home. Goodbye paper clutter piles!
Read MoreHow can you regain control over your paper clutter? This is how I take clients through tidying their papers… With lots of before and after photos to inspire you!
Read MoreReflecting on what’s worked (and failed!) with balancing work and childcare in lockdown…
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