Six Steps to KonMari your Makeup
Whether you have a makeup bag, drawer, cupboard or closet (I’ve worked with a makeup artist before so the latter is definitely a reality for some!), you can follow these six easy steps to apply some KonMari tidying magic to the makeup you own…
Step One: Take everything out of your makeup bag, drawer or cupboard. If you have a makeup closet, you may want to tidy up our makeup one subcategory at a time to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Write a list of all possible subcategories of makeup that you own and deal with them group by group.
Step Two: Separate items into their subcategories so you have a pile of eye shadows, blushers, bronzers, pencils, lipsticks, makeup brushes etc.
Step Three: With each category, pick out only the items that spark joy for you by holding them in your hands, one at a time, and asking yourself 'Does this item make me happy / inspire confidence when I wear it?' and 'Do I actually use this item?'. Another question to ask yourself is whether this item was a gift or freebie that you were given when you invested in another product. Often, items of this nature tend to get forgotten about and are never actually used. However small, they’re taking up space and may be preventing you from staying clear on the actual number of items you own (as well as preventing you from finding an item easily when you need it).
Step Four: When you choose to keep an item, before you set it aside in a 'keep' pile, check that you're still happy with its condition. Most makeup products have a shelf life however unlike medicines, makeup doesn’t have an expiry date written on their containers. What you will find is 6M, 12M, 24M etc. Look at each item one at a time and think objectively about how long you’ve owned the item. Is it still good quality?
Step Five: For the makeup items that you no longer wish to keep, if you feel like they've already served their purpose, express your gratitude saying 'thank you' and let them go.
Sustainability: There are numerous charities and organisations that accept used and unused makeup items including Give and Makeup by Caroline Hirons, The Beauty Banks, Dress for Success and if you’re based in the US, look up Project Beauty Share. It's best to check their donation criteria before sending your items to them. One of my favourite initiatives was the ‘Wands for Wildlife’ campaign run by The Appalachian Wildlife reserve that accepted used mascara wands to use to look after the animals in their care. Although this campaign was run in the US, it may be worth contacting your local animal shelter to see if they are in need of these items.
Step Six: Assess whether your makeup bag needs to be washed before putting all of your items that have passed your 'joy check' back in their home. If you have yet to create a home for your makeup items, you can invest in a makeup bag/holder or use my favourite storing technique: repurposing different sized boxes in a drawer space.
This is my dresser drawer where I store all of my makeup
The benefits of KonMari-ing your makeup:
You know what you own: It gives you the opportunity to reflect on the overall volume of makeup items you own. At times, especially when we own a lot, we can mindlessly purchase items we don't need because we are unable to find something due to the overwhelming volume. Not only is this a waste of money, the more items you own, the worse the accumulation problem becomes.
You feel more in control: Using the KonMari Method to organise your things offers a thorough check over everything you own. Taking stock of what you have and realigning your sense of what sparks joy for you, means you will feel more in control and may result in your becoming a more mindful consumer in the future.
You know the condition of your items: Tidying through KonMari provides a quality check of your items. By taking each item into your hands, one at a time, you are able to make an informed decision about whether the item is still in good condition.
How often should you KonMari your makeup?
I would recommend completing a KonMari check of your makeup bag once every two years. However if it is useful for you to do it more or less than this timeframe, then choose a timeframe that feels right for you.
Happy tidying!
Katrina x