Can the Japanese concept of Kanso help you to create the bedroom sanctuary of your dreams? I believe it can.
Read MoreWould this technique work for you to simplify your home? Here are my thoughts on the 12-12-12 Decluttering Method...
Read MoreThere is a lot to discuss in this area when it comes to simplifying screens in family life… This is my experience of what has worked for us so far, and how we continue to navigate this new world of technological information overload. Please read with an open mind - it is not written as a ‘how-to’ guide, or to judge or shame anyone else.
Read MoreWhat is a Japanese experts view on money? Ken Honda has a different view on money, a view that I had never considered before, but one that is deeply rooted in gratitude and appreciation. Here are my 10 takeaways from a book that has changed my perspective on money.
Read MoreReading Calm Christmas is festive food for the soul! Here are my ten biggest takeaways from the book…
Read MoreDo you have thousands of photos on your phone? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Running out of storage space? And don’t know where to start? Here I share 12 steps to help you regain control.
Read MoreAre you addicted to your phone? Do you want to spend less time scrolling? These are five incredible books that have helped me re-evaluate my relationship with my phone…
Read MoreHave you experienced roadblocks in your attempts to declutter? In this post, I share 8 common barriers to decluttering, along with guidance (and helpful videos) on how to overcome each one.
Read MoreDoes the task of laundry spark joy for you? Let me show you how a change in mindset can turn laundry into an act of self care…
Read MoreBefore you start decluttering, make sure you’ve considered these five essential steps. They will set you up for tidying success!
Read MoreHow can you keep your resolutions in 2023? Katrina shares 9 tips that will help you stick to your goals.
Read MoreMy top takeaways from Marie Kondo’s latest book ‘Kurashi at Home’ (realised November 2022).
Read MoreDo you have too many toys and just don’t know where to start? Let me help you with some simple tips on how to declutter toys and regain control…
Read MoreNeed to stay on top of your to-do list? Here are my 10 takeaways from David Allen’s ‘Getting Things Done’.
Read MoreOver the past few years, I’ve reflected a great deal on my phone use. I’ve tried digital detoxes, decluttered my digital life and become more mindful of my phone habits. Here are my thoughts on modern day phone use.
Read MoreWhat do you do with the clothes that no longer fit you? In this post I explain one key question I use with my clients that always leads to honest reflection…
Read MoreIf you’re worried about cluttering up your friends’ and family members’ homes with physical gifts this Christmas, here are my suggestions on the best clutterfree gifts you can give…
Read MoreInspired by Hal Elrod’s ‘The Miracle Morning’, I have been getting up at 5.30am, one hour earlier than my normal morning routine, to focus on personal development. In this blog post, I share my top ten takeaways from the book, along with my experience in becoming, dare I say it, a ‘morning person’!
Read MoreIn September, I completed a social media detox. In this blog post, I share my biggest takeaways from the experience, as well as my top tips to get you started if you’d like to switch off from social media for a period of time.
Read MoreDon’t know where to start when it comes towards creating a more sustainable home? I’ve got 30 suggestions to kick-start your journey!
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