Posts tagged professionalorganiserlondon
12 Back to School Organising Tips

Are you feeling disorganised as your children head back to school? Follow these simple tips to take back control and save yourself a tonne of time…

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My Ten Takeaways from Döstädning: The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning

For many, the topic of death and what happens with our things once we’re no longer here is something we push to the back of our minds. The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning is a comforting and tasteful little book that brings this topic into a fresh perspective.

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9 Helpful Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Buy Something New

If you’re trying to become more mindful consumer, I would love to help you! I used to be a shopaholic before I KonMari’ed my life. Here are the questions you need to ask yourself before you buy something new…

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The Ten Things I Haven't Missed After Decluttering

After we created our home sanctuary, we have been able to successfully maintain our tidy and organised home, along with the systems we established to ensure things never grow out of control again. Recently, I’ve been reflecting on the things that I come across in clients’ homes which remind me of the items I no longer miss…

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Struggling to switch off from work? Try a shut-down ritual...

If you’re someone who struggles to switch-off from work, a shut-down ritual can be an empowering first step to making sure you take time for you, doing whatever helps you unwind. These are my shut-down ritual steps, which has had an incredible impact on protecting my wellbeing and productivity.

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Improve Your Focus in a Distracted World ~ My Ten Takeaways from Cal Newport's 'Deep Work'

I’ve been reading some of the best books on productivity and wellbeing. Deep Work by Cal Newport is one of them. I’ve narrowed down what I feel is the most relevant content into my top ten takeaways. Read on to find out how you can improve your focus, and feel fully satisfied to disconnect from work once the work day is done…

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My Thoughts on Managing Children's Birthday Presents

Do you view your child’s birthday as a potential clutter avalanche? Romeo has just turned four and we have managed to dodge the avalanche for another year. Here is our strategy…

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Should You Organise your Digital Life? An Introduction

Tidying our physical items only takes us so far for our mental clarity. Let’s turn our attention to organising our digital world not only for enhanced wellbeing, but so we can make a positive environmental impact.

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Decluttering in Lockdown

Five reasons why decluttering (however small the task) can be a positive form of self care during lockdown.

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Building Good Habits when Working from Home

If you are working from home as a result of the Coronavirus, view this time as a unique opportunity to build good habits in your daily routine.

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Joy at Work ~ What We Know So Far

Marie Kondo’s new book ‘Joy at Work’ is released in the U.K. and USA on April 7th 2020. It centres around how we can use KonMari in the workplace to improve productivity and more importantly, enhance our wellbeing.

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10 Benefits of KonMari Folding

What are the benefits of folding your items the KonMari way? Read on to find out and don’t forget to check out the Spark Joy London folding tutorials over on YouTube.

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