10 Benefits of KonMari Folding

May Folding Masterclass

Over May 2019, I was so excited to launch the Spark Joy London Folding Masterclass. I shared 10 video tutorials showcasing 17 different items to fold. Anyone can fold like Marie Kondo; it’s easy once you know how. And it was my aim to show you how to master the KonMari folding technique.

The tutorials were shared over my Instagram and Facebook accounts and via my YouTube Channel. Don’t worry if you missed the Masterclass last year, they are still available to access and are completely free.

What are the benefits of KonMari folding?

  1. Gratitude: Folding enables you to express gratitude to your belongings which is at the very heart of the KonMari Method™. You allow yourself the time to slow down and reconnect with your items. Taking good care of your things leads to taking good care of yourself.

  2. Continued spark joy checks: Through folding, you are able to check the item for damage. Every time you fold it you can ask yourself ‘does this still bring me happiness?’ and ‘does it still fulfill a purpose in my life moving forward?’ Spark joy checks don’t end when you’ve completed your tidying marathon, they are ongoing, particularly when you fold your items.

  3. Mindful consumerism: If the item you’re folding no longer sparks joy or is no longer in good condition, you may have identified a gap and decide to replace it. The space left over means there’s only room for purchasing what you need. Moving forward, you may find that these experiences make you a more conscious consumer. You purchase with intention to fill a identified need.

  4. More storage space: Folding items frees up storage space, meaning you do not have to go out and purchase more ‘storage solutions’. Did you know you can fit 20-40 folded clothes in the space it takes to hang 10?

  5. See your items at a glance: Once you have folded your items and stored them vertically, you can see everything you own at a glance. Over time, this organised space becomes a mental photograph that you remember every time you’re tempted to buy something new.

  6. Teach your children: You can use folding to teach your child an important life skill. Socks are the simplest item to fold, which makes it a great place to teach your children how to fold.

  7. Folding is adaptable: Folding can be adjusted to match the height or width of different drawers, boxes or storage spaces. Once you’ve become more confident with the folding technique, you can adapt the number of folds to match the height of most storage spaces.

  8. It isn’t just for clothes: Folding isn’t just for clothes. You can transform the storage space in your kitchen drawer by folding tea towels, cloths and place settings. Folding your linens can also save much needed space in a linen closet. And if you don’t have drawers, don’t worry. Fold as normal and stand vertically in a box or storage basket. As long as you can see everything at a glance once you’ve finished, you’ve got a KonMari win!

  9. Create a joyful space: Create a space which sparks joy. By standing your items upright once folded, you can colour code them or graduate the colours to create a space which makes you smile every time you view it.

  10. Folding items is a kindness: When we stack clothes and other items, the items at the bottom of the pile are under more pressure with the weight of the other items on top. Also, we’re far more likely to undo all of our hard folding efforts when we stack because each time we need access to an item near the bottom of the pile, there’s a tendency to pull everything out to get to it.

    Bonus Benefit: Packing a suitcase is so much easier when your items are already folded KonMari style. No additional folding is required as you can simply take the items from your drawer and place them into your suitcase or travel bag! When you arrive at your destination, they can go straight into the accommodation drawers, folded beautifully. This means less time unpacking, and more time to enjoy your trip! Read How to KonMari your Suitcase to learn more. Let me know your thoughts about KonMari folding by leaving a comment below…

Folding is a skill that can be acquired much faster if someone teaches you how.
— Marie Kondo, Spark Joy, pg. 260